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Baden Baden Medicine Week Conference Highlights 2016 Part 2

Monday, April 04, 2022
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PSE at the 50th Medical Week in Baden-Baden: 50th anniversary of the Medical Week coincides with the 20th anniversary of Psychosomatic Energetics itself.

This is without a doubt an impressive anniversary, and an even more impressive performance history: 50 years of Medical Week. As the mayor of the city of Baden-Baden, Margret Mergen, said in her opening greeting, the Medical Week is the largest naturopathic and complementary-medicine convention in Europe. Up to now, that is what I had also thought – but the convention organizer, the Physician’s Association for Empirical Medicine [Ärztegesellschaft für Erfahrungsheilkunde], praises the Medical Week for being the most significant naturopathic and complementary-medicine convention in the world.

One way or another, there is no denying that the 20-year anniversary of Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is a much more modest moment, yet it has equally amazing accomplishments to be proud of. For instance, although PSE is not represented all over the world, it nevertheless has a presence in 20 countries – with a clear dominance in the German-speaking regions and North America. Reason enough for PSE to present itself, to those interested, commensurately self-confidently in a half-day lecture conference in the convention hall’s main auditorium.

Yet despite demonstrable modesty, PSE has every reason to make its appearance on the stage with a chest bursting with pride. For there is hardly any other method in complementary medicine that has managed, over a span of 20 years, to attain and maintain an undisputed place among the multiplicity of methods of naturopathic medicine. And, with reference to its balance sheet (substantiated by studies and case histories) of healing the chronically ill, including those designated as incurable, PSE has indubitably gained an outstanding position in the canon of medical methods.

Developed thanks to the tireless activity of the physician Dr. Reimar Banis, who developed this complex method over a 15-year span, and who, in the last 20 years as a recognized mentor, has continued to work steadily on PSE’s continued development. The physicians and therapists in particular, who in their daily clinical work have agonized at having hit their limits when it comes to chronically ill or hopeless cases, have PSE to thank for a completely new list of successful conclusions and thereby satisfaction in their work. To say nothing, of course, of the countless patients which PSE, after their years- and even decades-long history of suffering, was able to help achieve holistic and insofar lasting health. Can there be anything greater?

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On the other hand, PSE’s dilemma is that it is a very complex method accessible only to those who are prepared to enter into it free of preconceptions. This being so, events such as the lecture conference as part of the Medical Week are crucially important for the further development of this highly effective healing method. In this context, Dr. banis himself deserves recognition, on the occasion of the lecture conference, for the greeting and the introduction to the PSE method. In so doing, he also gave an overview into the historical development of PSE, which was in particular an outgrowth of the Vegatest method.

In his 15 years of development work, Dr. banis initially worked intensively with test methods which ultimately derive from and/or build upon Chinese acupuncture, which has been around for about 2000 years. That was, first, Dr. Voll’s electroacupuncture developed in 1950, upon which the Vegatest method was based, which he worked with intensively for many long years. Both methods have in common that they combine homeopathy and acupuncture, and implement electrical testing at the acupuncture points.

Early on, the internist Dr. Reinhard Voll realized that so-called vibrational information can disrupt subtle-energy harmony. In the Vegatest method derived from this insight, meridian complex mixtures can extinguish particular vibrational information and, for the first time have a direct relationship to the Chakras. With this method, Dr. Banis was increasingly able to cure chronic ailments, which had heretofore been impossible in this manner, even with the entire inventory of Orthodox and naturopathic medicine. Nonetheless, even with this new method he came up time after time against limits which he was unwilling to acknowledge and thus was determined to overcome.

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To overcome these limitations – logical in hindsight – he then, in 15 years of research, developed Psychosomatic Energetics, which we have now had since 1996/97. This combines homeopathy with Yoga philosophy and psychosomatics.

Leading to the most important as well as trailblazing realization that emotional conflicts “dock” onto Chakras and, in their specific vibrations correspond to homeopathic compound agents. Homeopathic high-potentiation mixtures in turn correspond to energetically stored-up emotional conflicts. ‍

Both of the above-mentioned methods used nosodes, which now became superfluous. So much for our brief review of the precursors to PSE, which decisively influenced the course of its development. In the next lecture, Dr. Banis introduced PSE very vividly and clearly.

Author’s comment: it is in the nature of this summarizing report on the PSE lecture conference in Baden-Baden, that this lecture by Dr. Banis – as well as the following ones, all of which introduced the audience very graphically and with a high degree of professionalism to the world of PSE – while to be sure remaining faithful to the duties of a chronicler, nevertheless can only render a very terse and extremely condensed account of them. Yet if this condensation has awakened interest in becoming more deeply involved in PSE, then I refer the reader to the fully descriptive video as well as the available specialist literature. Both of these are detailed at the end of this report. Plus, the available specialist literature is going to be supplemented next year with an easy-to-read guide in which patients report on their own experiences with PSE as a way out of their often decades-long ordeals.

Introduction to Psychosomatic Energetics

Dr. Banis first names, as an indication of energetic naturopathic procedures, the clarification of unclear causes of ill health, as well as adjuvant therapy for chronic ailments. In this regard, it should be pointed out that he considers it crucial that a thorough mainstream-medicine diagnosis and, if needs be, subsequent therapy should precede or at least be performed in parallel to PSE. This also makes clear the special quality of PSE, namely that it is a complementary-medicine technique which does not preclude so-called orthodox medicine, but rather requires it – and thereby builds a bridge between the two, so urgently necessary in the interest of all patients, but which time after time is hastily torn down again. It is thus virtually inevitable that a great many PSE therapists are “orthodox physicians” who, just like Dr. Banis, come up repeatedly in their daily work against the aforementioned limits and limitations.

The foundation of “Psychosomatic Energetics” is the knowledge that psyche, soma and energy form a unified whole. If all three components work well together, then this trinity is HEALTHY. PSE finds disturbances (blocks) and gets rid of them. Sounds quite simple. And it is – at least as far as PSE’s record of successes is concerned.

In simplified telegraphic form, PSE functions as follows:

  1. Quantitative testing of the energy field (corresponds to how someone feels)
  2. Search for energy blocks which weaken the energy field. In 98 % of cases, these are unprocessed emotional conflicts
  3. Dissolution of blocks with homeopathic compound agents which resonantly correspond to the conflict contents
  4. Self-healing processes, mental and physical by once again free-flowing energy

Dr. Banis is able to report on PSE’s impressive successes, which are documented in numerous studies. For example, more than 80% of all common chronic general-medicine clinical pictures are improved after at least eight months of PSE therapy (therapeutic result satisfactory to good/very good). For children, therapeutic success runs at more than 90%, while among older people it is below 70%.

This outstanding success is also explained by the fact that PSE therapy works preverbally, i.e. it’s effective even when psychotherapy is contraindicated, and can also be used successfully with small children and even animals. It works gently and for the most part generates few to no aggravations; its effect is holistic on the Psyche and Soma, and it nondirectively strengthens the individual’s own responsibility.

As a result of PSE treatment:

  • personality is stabilized,
  • self-esteem improves,
  • sensitivity increases,
  • emotional openness grows, as does
  • ability to tolerate frustration,
  • stress is better tolerated,
  • personal goals are better recognized and pursued,
  • all kinds of symptoms and ailments ameliorate or go away for good.

This basic introduction to PSE was then impressively illustrated with a great many case histories from the PSE daily practice of experienced physicians who are at the same time PSE therapists.
