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Europe's New Treatment That Changes How You Think

Rubimed is Europe’s New Treatment that Reprograms the Subconscious, Clears Past Emotional Trauma and Changes How You Think

Do you feel like you should be more successful than you are -no matter how hard you try? Do you struggle in relationships with your spouse, significant other, or children? Are you plagued with health issues that doctors cannot diagnose? Subconscious blocks and emotional trauma may be at the roots of your troubles.

New Arrival Available

Real Help For Addictions.

Many individuals suffer from addiction. Whether it be alcoholism, drugs, food, sex or gambling, addiction can be crippling and induce feelings of helplessness and despair. Rubimed offers a unique approach by treating the addiction at it roots. Find out how Rubimed can help end the cycle of addiction.

Deeply Rooted Mental And Emotional Disorders

An Impressive Therapy For Sadness, Anxiousness and Post Truama Feelings.

In the course of life negative events happen that often shape who we are. Sometimes, these events can even negatively change us at our core personality level and create subconscious patterns of thinking that are harmful. These changes can be heartbreaking for ourselves and our loved ones. Rubimed therapy was designed to peel back these changes and allow real healing and real personal growth.

Lack of Concentration, Learning Difficulties

Tired Of Hearing There's No Other Option For Your Child?

There is often nothing in the world that matters more to a parent than their children. Seeing a child struggle with learning disabilities or behavioral issues can be difficult and heart breaking. The Rubimed system has helped many children with learning troubles for nearly 20 years with great success.

Become A Rubimed Certified Therapist

Attention: Medical Professionals and Therapists

The ability to effective treat patients has become increasingly difficult over time. Today's patients no longer present with clear symptoms and diseases that are easy to treat or diagnose. Acute conditions are in decline and chronicity is exploding. Don't under estimate the negative impact of your patients experiences on their health and happiness.. Many physical conditions may mask the true cause of your patients illness. Let us help you assist your patients in a way no other therapies can.

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Articles And Posts

November 03, 2022
Using Rubimed Correctly-Reimar Banis
Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is an alternative-medicine procedure with which one can track down hidden subconscious programming
April 09, 2022
Psychosomatic Energetics: A Bridge between Human and Veterinary Medicine
The causes of pathogenesis in pets are particularly multifactorial. Often, by transference from those with whom they have an emotional relationship (owners etc.)
July 15, 2022
Rubimed - Questions and Answers About this New Treatment Method for Emotional and Mental Trauma
We have had tremendous results by combining the subtle energetic work of the emotional remedies ,especially in cases of psychosis, anxiety and severe depression.
September 21, 2023
Trauma and Anxiety from the Viewpoint of Epigenetic Findings - Uschi van Koch
it's not our genes in the driver's seat, it's the environment! So, all of our happy or traumatic experiences, our parents, siblings, grandpar­ents, teachers, fellow students etc.
November 07, 2022
Who is Rubimed Right for? - Reimar Banis
According to PSE, low energy values are usually caused by subconscious emotional conflicts which act as energy thieves.
April 07, 2022
Multi-Center 1002 Patient Clinical Study of Rubimed/Psychosomatic Energetics
In a multi-centric clinical study spanning four years 1002 patients were evaluated after 15 months of Rubimed therapy.
July 27, 2022
Summing up 10 Years of Rubimed
“I work in the Department of Psychiatric Services at B. University, and for an addiction clinic in K. For me...
April 18, 2022
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Steve Jobs’ Fate from a Naturopathic Viewpoint
Contemporary research considers any links between cancer and disturbed emotional states to be unproven. As a physician, I also believe that psychological factors do not greatly influence the etiology of cancer.
April 20, 2022
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The Importance Of Geopathy
Experience has shown that the chronically ill cannot truly become healthy again if this problem exists and is not dealt with.