September 21, 2023

Trauma and Anxiety from the Viewpoint of Epigenetic Findings - Uschi van Koch
it's not our genes in the driver's seat, it's the environment! So, all of our happy or traumatic experiences, our parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, fellow students etc.
November 07, 2022

Who is Rubimed Right for? - Reimar Banis
According to PSE, low energy values are usually caused by subconscious emotional conflicts which act as energy thieves.
November 03, 2022

Using Rubimed Correctly-Reimar Banis
Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is an alternative-medicine procedure with which one can track down hidden subconscious programming
September 08, 2022

Can Emotional Conflicts Irritate the Skin? -BirgittHolschuh-Lorang
The causes of urticaria (hives), a morbid alteration of the skin accompanied by rashes or erythema (reddening of the skin), are manifold.
July 27, 2022

Summing up 10 Years of Rubimed
“I work in the Department of Psychiatric Services at B. University, and for an addiction clinic in K. For me...
July 15, 2022

Rubimed - Questions and Answers About this New Treatment Method for Emotional and Mental Trauma
We have had tremendous results by combining the subtle energetic work of the emotional remedies ,especially in cases of psychosis, anxiety and severe depression.
April 20, 2022

The Importance Of Geopathy
Experience has shown that the chronically ill cannot truly become healthy again if this problem exists and is not dealt with.
April 18, 2022

Steve Jobs’ Fate from a Naturopathic Viewpoint
Contemporary research considers any links between cancer and disturbed emotional states to be unproven. As a physician, I also believe that psychological factors do not greatly
influence the etiology of cancer.
April 15, 2022

Clinical Experiences With Psychosomatic Energetics
Fibromyalgia from suppressed fury: A massage therapist had been suffering from fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism) since the age of 48. The intensity of her pains was increasing from day to day.
April 13, 2022

How Emotional Conflicts Block The Flow Of Energy Causing Depression & Anxiety
Deeply hidden emotional conflicts are the underlying cause of many symptoms and diseases. Although we did not know much about how this works, this belief is generally accepted when talking about psychosomatic illnesses.
April 11, 2022

Spirituality and Energy Medicine
Life force is a virtually nonexistent factor in Western religion – unlike India, where enlightenment and activation of the life force (Kundalini) have been closely connected for ages.
April 09, 2022

Psychosomatic Energetics: A Bridge between Human and Veterinary Medicine
The causes of pathogenesis in pets are particularly multifactorial. Often, by transference from those with whom they have an emotional relationship (owners etc.)
April 07, 2022

Multi-Center 1002 Patient Clinical Study of Rubimed/Psychosomatic Energetics
In a multi-centric clinical study spanning four years 1002 patients were evaluated after 15 months of Rubimed therapy.
April 06, 2022

History Of Rubimed/Psychosomatic Energetics
Typical indications for PSE include psychosomatic ailments, burnout syndrome, anxiety disease, infantile behavioral disorders, life crises, therapy-resistant and prolonged chronic ailments.
April 05, 2022

Character Maturity As A Spiritual Challenge
Experience has shown that the chronically ill cannot truly become healthy again if this problem exists and is not dealt with.
April 04, 2022

Baden Baden Medicine Week Conference Highlights 2016 Part 2
The Baden-Baden Medical Week is the largest naturopathic medical Congress in the world, averaging 6000 attending specialists.
April 03, 2022

Baden Baden Medicine Week Conference Highlights 2016 Part 1
The Baden-Baden Medical Week is the largest naturopathic medical Congress in the world, averaging 6000 attending specialists.