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Summing up 10 Years of Rubimed

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
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Ten years ago, I first introduced the method in a lecture entitled “Die psychoenergetische Tiefenstruktur und ihre Therapie – ein neues energetisches Modell” [Psychoenergetic Deep Structure and its Therapy – a New energetic Model].2 The lecture described an alternative-medicine procedure I had developed, in which one first measures the charge of the four subtle energy levels (the Aura) with a testing device, and then uses specific test ampoules to find out why someone has so little energy. Most of the time, emotional conflicts turn out to be the most significant energy thieves, and they can in fact be found in virtually every patient. The amazing thing about this is that psychosomatic medicine has been saying this for a long time, but it wasn’t able to be proven – until now: Psychosomatic Energetics™ (PSE) is able to track down conflicts and ascertain their content. If one then heals these emotional conflicts, many purely physical illnesses will also improve, making it a genuine holistic therapist.

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In a surprisingly short time,  Psychosomatic Energetics has  developed into a standard method  in alternative medicine. This is  especially true of the German speaking countries, but also  applies increasingly to North  America. More than 2000  therapists occasionally or regularly  use this method, of which presently  about 300 are “Certified Energy  Therapists”. These latter are  therapists who are specially trained  in the use of the method, i.e. who  have taken intensive theoretical  and practical instruction and  passed a qualifying final in the use of the method, i.e. who  have taken intensive theoretical  and practical instruction and  passed a qualifying final examination.

A mandatory part of the course is for each attendee to undergo  therapy – because we quickly found out that a therapist’s own energy blocks can  considerably limit his or her testing ability. For instance, therapists who  themselves have large conflicts tend to see them in their patients either too often  or, on the contrary, too seldom. In addition, testing one’s own energy  disturbances is far too imprecise, whereas self-therapy along with intensive  training can achieve reliable results.

Scientific Verification of Energy Testing

Because of its importance, I’d like to go into the topic of reliability in greater detail. Energy tests such as kinesiology, electroacupuncture etc. (test procedures used in Psychosomatic Energetics™) are known to be scientifically controversial. To my mind, the procedure itself is not the insurmountable obstacle to verifying such procedures, but rather the overwhelming destabilization of the tester during the verification process itself. The tester is usually quite unaware of having been placed in a generalized “climate of doubt and suspicion” – which, experience has shown, includes above all the negative stress milieu of double-blind studies. I have taken part in a number of such– which sadly all turned out negatively – and at the time I didn’t (yet) notice my subliminal tension. But eventually I became aware of it, thanks mainly to a heightened sensitivity resulting from my own self therapy with Psychosomatic Energetics™. I now understand what pitfalls are associated with these kinds of studies, which is why I now object to them.

Although this kind of testing fails when placed in the context of a double-blind study, it functions smoothly and effectively in daily practice. For  example, different PSE testers  working under normal clinical  conditions usually arrive at the same  results. Yet another criterion of  quality derives from when PSE  testing uncovers some hitherto  undetected condition that can be  objectively verified after the fact  using standard accepted methods.  Moreover, the quality of  Psychosomatic Energetics can of  course be seen in the fact that  patients almost always confirm the correctness of the test results (i.e.  the conflict contents agree with their self-perception, the energy readings match  up with how they feel, etc.).

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In short, one sees that Psychosomatic Energetics  really does work in daily practice. Now of course one could simply make this  observation and let it go at that, since, when it comes to the practical application  of medicine, the only thing that counts is success. In other words, one could  declare that it should make no difference whether or not a procedure is  scientifically accepted, as long as it works and achieves good results.


However, the reality is that there’s no getting around some degree of scientific verification if the goal is to rationally evaluate a procedure. The most elegant way to do this is to allow therapists to work undisturbed and then afterwards look at what they have accomplished. These so-called clinical studies have the benefit of avoiding negatively stressing therapists while still yielding usable results. There are now two large-scale clinical studies of Psychosomatic Energetics™ that (happily) arrived at very nearly the same results: 80% vs. 85% success rate. They were carried out independently of each other in two general-practice clinics, and they summarize the 1 to 1½ year treatment results of 200–300 patients – i.e. a relatively large patient population, which means a high confidence level in the results.

Both studies show that Psychosomatic Energetics™ is highly effective for the  usual general-medicine clinical pictures. The study with the longer treatment  duration (performed by Dr. Birgitt Holschuh-Lorang) had a higher success rate  (85%) compared to 80% in the first study (Drs. Banis). In addition, Dr. Holschuh Lorang’s study showed that the success rate was markedly higher among  younger patients, rising to 90% for children and teens (and falling to 70% for seniors). It is thus a good idea to start PSE treatment as early in life as possible,  because the regulatory system responds better at that time.

Both clinical studies clearly show that, for the usual clinical pictures of a general  practice, a good to satisfactory result can  be achieved with PSE – provided that at  least two (better: three) large conflicts are  able to be dissolved. Experience has shown that this takes approximately 8–15  months. Compared to other  psychotherapeutic and naturopathic procedures, this would seem to be acceptable, especially considering that the  therapeutic results are usually long lasting. It should also be particularly  emphasized that the client base of PSE  patients has always tended to consist of the chronically ill (with numerous rounds  of therapy behind them) whose prognosis can be classified as rather unfavorable.  In view of such a high percentage of problem cases, the achieved results are  empirically doubly significant. Dr. Holschuh-Lorang sums it up thus: “The years  now of follow-up checks of many of our patients – following a satisfactory course  of basic treatment – who come in at half-yearly and yearly intervals for an energy  check and exhibit amazingly good energy readings, shows that this method does  not just provide merely transitory symptomatic relief, but rather stable healing  successes.”

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Yet another clinical study (Project Schmetterlinge [Butterflies]) was initiated in  Austria by the retired school headmistress and  kinesiologist Gerlinde Paukert. She investigated whether preventive PSE treatment might have a positive influence on the kids’ academic performance and overall behavior.  Her thinking here was that an improved energy system and conflict resolution should be a good prophylactic measure that would help children learn better and with more enjoyment. She selected a grade-school class (6–7 years old), a middle-school class (10–11 years old) and a high-school class (19–20 years old). With the permission of the school administration, teachers and parents, all students were tested with the REBA® Test Device and  
then supplied with the appropriate drops.  Even though participation was voluntary, all the students  took part. Since the project was being sponsored by the International Society for  Psychosomatic Energetics, and managed by Ms. Paukert in an honorary  capacity, there was no cost to the students or parents. Ms. Paukert wrote: “The  energy situation of all children and teens improved, rising from 7% to 25%. The  observable effects are physical as well as intellectual and emotional.  Concentration, health and mood are all noticeably improved, the classroom  atmosphere is better, and more cooperation and teamwork in class means they  feel better in the school environment.”


Summing up, I can confirm that it would be a good idea to examine every first grader for geopathic stress and psychoenergetic conflicts – before they lead to a possibly negative school experience. In this manner, one could very inexpensively, painlessly and effectively do a lot of good by helping prevent poor scholastic careers later on, as well as sparing the concomitant high social costs.

Another small-scale study was carried out by the internist Dr. Wolf Hemsing. He examined and treated children and teens with behavioral disorders in a foster care home in Jupident in the Austrian Vorarlberg. These kids come from families in which the parents’ psychosocial situation rendered them completely unable to cope with raising their behaviorally-disturbed children. The kids are not physically handicapped, but their attendant reports that they all have a low IQ. In all, over 12 months in 2004–2005, 10 children aged 9–14 were treated with the methods of Psychosomatic Energetics™ and the corresponding Chavita® and Emvita® remedies. These homeopathic remedies were dispensed by the attendants during times that the children were at Jupident: on weekends and during school holidays, when the children were with their parents, there was no treatment.


In his summary, Dr. Hemsing writes: “Children from  9–14 years of age, from psychosocially  problematical backgrounds, primarily learning and  performance disorders (behavioral problems also,  to some extent), when examined with  Psychosomatic Energetics™ (Banis), exhibit overall  low energy readings in every respect. Energy deficit  not able to be remedied during observational period of 12 months under therapy with Chavita® and  Emvita®. Striking improvement after cleaning up  sleeping location (Geovita®). In all, according to  attendant’s evaluation, noticeable to considerable  improvement in learning, performance and behavioral criteria.


  1. Teenager fully into puberty, now better adjusted, humorous, well  motivated and more accessible  
  2. Exhibits noticeably more self-confidence, calmness and composure,  especially in demanding situations  
  3. Shows more responsibility (regarding schoolwork); concentration and  perseverance are considerably higher  
  4. Less vindictive behavior  
  5. More trusting and accessible  
  6. Markedly fewer migraine attacks  
  7. Less daydreaming  
  8. Acts more like she really is; always wanted to fit in and be reasonable;  comes out of her shell more; is better at asserting herself

In closing, I’d like to say on the topic of studies that the Butterfly study and a large-scale clinical study were both, happily, continued de-centrally (i.e. at many different participating practices). This raises the expectation that the efficacy of Psychosomatic Energetics™ will in future be even more validated on the basis of larger numbers of cases. As we know, over the long run only those methods survive which can demonstrate their efficacy not only in the individual case, but also – and above all – for larger patient numbers in a conclusive and verifiable manner.

Psychosomatic Energetics™ Survey

The following survey was originally commissioned as part of the manufacturing firm Rubimed’s Quality Control (QC) program. Because the REBA® Test Device is of course central to Psychosomatic Energetics™, the manner in which it is used on a daily basis is basically synonymous with working in Psychosomatic Energetics™ itself. Therefore, when the manufacturing firm surveys satisfaction with the device, the results also provide information concerning satisfaction with the method. 211 therapists returned the questionnaire, the results of which are summarized below:

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Individual comments (for which purpose there was a text field below the survey  questions) were particularly interesting. I’d like to single out a few of these  comments:  

“Ever since my training in the field of Psychosomatic Energetics™, my  sphere of activity has broadened and deepened enormously. This procedure  has gone on to become the most important therapeutic procedure in my  practice, since with it I can determine the causes of blocks and conflicts, and  treat them, in a minimum of time! We thank the inventors! The REBA® Test  Device has proven to be ideal for diagnostics and therapy at all levels.”  

“I work in the Department of Psychiatric Services at B. University, and for an  addiction clinic in K. For me, the device is indispensable; its success  motivates me.” 

“It’s a great therapeutic procedure. Thanks for this invention!” 

“Many thanks for this wonderful method!!!” 

“I am enthused, and I work a lot with PSE.” 

“Without this device, nothing works anymore!” 

“Since I began working with PSE 2 years ago, I have 4–6 clients daily for  PSE in my practice (from all over Switzerland). Many of them are not ill, but  would just like to grow spiritually. In disease cases, sensational successes  are possible. My most heartfelt thanks to Dr. Banis for his fantastic method.”

“Now, 95% of my clients/patients come in for PSE!!” 

I’ve been a practicing naturopath for 14 years and have learned “countless  methods” – but the most brilliant method is PSE. I can no longer imagine  working without this method! 

Ongoing Development of the Method

Psychosomatic Energetics™ has been refined considerably since its initial introduction. This includes Dr. Ulrike Banis’ positive-thinking statements for each of the 28 conflicts, whereby the negative vacuum of the conflict contents can be filled out with positive suggestions. Another milestone was the discovery of the Central Conflict and the four character types (see the Manual of Psychosomatic Energetics™ for more detailed information). With this, a sound program was able to be developed, one which unifies Hippocrates’ ancient theory of temperaments with Fritz Riemann’s four character types. Moreover, each of the character types could be related to a specific energy center (Chakra), so that the possibility existed, for the first time, of testing people’s personalities energetically.

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The four character types have proven to be an extraordinarily useful counseling tool in daily practice – whether learning about one’s dark side or analyzing one’s relationships with other people. The concept has also proven itself in career, marriage and child counseling. Moreover, there are many indications that the origin of the Central Conflict can be traced back to prior incarnations (more information can be found in New Life Through Energy Healing). With this thesis, Psychosomatic Energetics™ has acquired a much greater depth that extends far into depth psychology and transpersonal psychology. In fact, one can speak with some justification in terms of spiritual counseling, which has become possible by means of this method (for more details, see Spiritual Energy Medicine).

Comparison with Other Methods

Additional interesting approaches have resulted from comparisons or parallel  applications with other methods. For instance, in a small-scale investigation  involving Yoga students, it turned out that by no means everybody benefits from  these exercises, but rather (amazingly) only every third person. A second third  checked out neutral, while the final third was actually the worse for the experience. One can see from this that it might make sense, before embarking on  a long-term application of some procedures, to first select for those participants  who are most likely to benefit therefrom. Similar investigations – such as those of  the internist Dr. Klaus (of Thun, Switzerland) with Core Dynamics – have shown  that PSE is evidently a good instrument for checking out the individual efficacy of  specific healing methods.

Various therapists have had good results with the parallel application of hypnosis  and PSE. Evidently, the clear PSE test results aid in quickly “getting to the point”  down in the dark subconscious. Psychotherapists have related similar findings to  me, reporting on the one hand that, with PSE, patients more easily open up  emotionally and, on the other, that psychotherapy much more rapidly arrives at  and talks about the truly essential themes. In the parallel application of  kinesiology, EMDR or percussive pressure, it has been shown that, even though  these procedures cannot permanently dissolve conflicts energetically, they  nevertheless have an immediate beneficial effect which combines very well with  PSE’s long-term effectiveness.


The experiences of the past few years have shown that the essential content of Psychosomatic Energetics™ has proven to be stable. In my opinion, this is because the method is based on firm scientific foundations which, logically enough, are subject to very little change. Even the practical application of PSE exhibits great stability now, so that the currently taught testing scheme has proven to be very effective and practicable. Aside from the solid methodological core, there are of course many peripheral areas that vary more or less constantly in response to daily experiences with patients, studies, and intense reflection; these developments can be read about in the Psychosomatic Energetics™ readers (currently 3 volumes, published on a yearly basis). In addition, there are a number of user’s study groups, plus the continuing education for certified energy therapists in the form of yearly expert reunions, and a half-day lecture conference at the annual Medizinische Woche [Medical Week] in Baden-Baden.


Banis, Reimar: Durch Energieheilung zu neuem Leben [New Life through Energy Healing]  Via Nova Petersberg 2002  

Banis, Reimar: Spirituelle Energiemedizin [Spiritual Energy Medicine]  

Via Nova Petersberg 2007  

Banis, Reimar: Lehrbuch der Psychosomatischen Energetik [Manual of Psychosomatic  Energetics™]  

VAK Vlg. Kirchzarten 2003  

Banis, Reimar (Editor): Lesebuch der Psychosomatische Energetik [A Psychosomatic  Energetics™ Reader] Vol. 1, Comed Verlag Hochheim 2004  

Banis, Reimar (Editor): Lesebuch der Psychosomatische Energetik [A Psychosomatic  Energetics™ Reader] Vol. 2, Comed Verlag Hochheim 2006  

Banis, Reimar (Editor): Lesebuch der Psychosomatische Energetik [A Psychosomatic  Energetics™ Reader] Vol. 3, Comed Verlag Hochheim 2007  

Banis, Ulrike: Erdstrahlen & Co. – Das Grundlagenbuch über Geopathie [Geopathic Stress & Co.  – Fundamentals of Geopathy] Haug Heidelberg 2004  

Banis, Ulrike: Handbuch der Psychosomatischen Energetik [Manual of Psychosomatic  Energetics™]  

2nd revised and expanded edition, Comed Verlag Hochheim 2005
