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Who is Rubimed Right for? - Reimar Banis

Monday, November 07, 2022
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A portrait of the method

Psychosomatic Energetics - abbreviated PSE - a naturopathic diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, serves, first, to quantitatively test a patient's subtle-energy system with the aid of a test device (see illustration). Man has four subtle-energy levels, whose charge (like the charge of a battery) reliably reflects overall well-being and health. Whoever has plenty of energy is doing well; whoever has little energy is or will become sick. As in Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine, PSE considers harmonious and robust life energy to be of central importance for the maintenance of health. Sick and psychologically/physiologically weakened persons tend to have reduced energy readings, whereas healthy ones exhibit normal energy readings.

According to PSE, low energy values are usually caused by subconscious emotional conflicts which act as energy thieves. These can be detected with the use of specific homeopathic compound remedies (Emvita©), and then dissolved by the administration of the tested-out remedies. The resulting normalization of the energy values triggers psychological/physiological self-healing processes. Expressed as a slogan, PSE can be designated as "psychotherapy with homeopathic drops", but it also has positive effects on physical ailments in addition to its psychological benefits.

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Since PSE is still relatively unknown in alternative-medicine circles, and is certainly applied as a valuable standard method in many more naturopathically-oriented practices, I'd like to briefly present the prerequisites of the method. PSE polarizes: in many practices it is the most important method, whereas in others it languishes in neglect. It seems to me that the reason for this has to do with the distinctive character of the method, which one should be aware of. At the present, roughly 15 years base from which to draw in order to properly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of PSE, and to describe, for the interested reader, the conditions necessary for successful implementation of the method.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any alternative-medicine method, PSE has advantages and disadvantages which therapists need to be aware of. Normally, beginners do not learn anything about the disadvantages of a method, and thus first need to acquire some personal experience which, after some years of applying the method with some good healing results, but also with some disappointments and other "miscalculated" effects, in order to be able to arrive at a final assessment. It would however be desirable for all interested parties to know this from the beginning, since experience has shown that PSE does not seem to be suitable for every practice and every patient. PSE calls for specific individual prerequisites and qualities which, for those who do not possess them, will understandably be construed as a disadvantage of the method. Because of this individual character of PSE, advice from experienced colleagues is not of much help, so that one has to paint one's own picture if one is interested in PSE. The article which follows is intended to make a contribution to this end.

Prerequisites for PSE

It should be said at the outset, that every method has disadvantages. Classical homeopathy, as well as classical acupuncture, are considered, for example, to be extremely time-consuming and hard to learn, and moreover hard to apply in clinical practice. PSE does not have these disadvantages, since it is easy to learn and easy to apply. However, PSE has other prerequisites which need to be observed. For one, the ability to conduct energy-medicine tests depends upon an inborn talent, concerning which about one person in three can be considered well talented to extremely talented, another third averagely talented and trainable, and the final third unsuitable. This is fairly easy to ascertain at e.g. a kinesiology weekend course and, in the event of a lack of talent, one should turn to other methods.

To a limited degree, testing ability can be taught and improved. In this process, it is important to calibrate the testing to objectively verifiable facts as well as to other good and reliable testers, additionally constantly refining and training. Good testing calls for constant training and mental/physical self-discipline, as well as the ability to collect oneself mentally,6 and the discipline to lead a healthy and well-adjusted life so as to maintain a good energetic condition. Those who have little energy and energy blocks of their own test more poorly, while the better the energy system, the fewer the errors. Testing is also impaired by external stress factors such as the energy field of another person in the testing area, electrosmog, unstable weather fronts with foehn wind, noise and commotion in the testing area.

Imparting the results of PSE testing calls for a great deal of professional experience and tact on the part of the therapist, so it's no surprise that PSE is often especially esteemed by experienced colleagues in particular. Therapists need a full measure of personal life experience as well as psychological talent in order to truly master PSE testing. PSE holds up to the patient an unembroidered psychic mirror image which makes negative personal characteristics visible, and this is not always pleasant to behold. For instance, patients who are overweight and have a depressive exhaustion symptomatology find out that they have a subconscious conflict with the theme "Frustration". Not all patients are emotionally mature and honest enough to recognize the self-made nature of their fate and then to make productive use of this insight. Thus, PSE is not suitable for all patients, and it can represent an unemotional challenge for many people.

Typical PSE advantages

Many diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of PSE are unique, and unattainable to a comparable extent by other naturopathic healing methods. The outstanding advantages of PSE include:

  1. One can generate a kind of "X-Ray image" of the subtle-energy system. The energy system cannot be tested in the same way with the usual subtle-energy test procedures as one can with PSE - and above all, not quantitatively and with the same degree of discrimination of the various subtle-energy levels.
  2. PSE provides reliable quantitative test values for the four energy levels in percentage form; the norm values are 100 Vital, 100 Emotional, 100 Mental, 40 Causal. The four energy levels have different qualities and psychological/physiological functions, so that it is worthwhile testing them individually.
  3. The healthy and the sick can be clearly distinguished. It is well known that many naturopathic diagnostic procedures have the problem that they brand nearly everybody as sick ("overfine filtering"), which is not the case with PSE, i.e. the method is realistic.
  4. The test results usually agree with both the subjective state of health and clinical diagnoses. One thus finds low Emotional readings in depression cases or low Mental readings with psychoses. As the clinical situation improves, the test readings also improve, which enables monitoring the course of therapy.
  5. Thanks to the standardized REBA® Test Device and standardized test procedure, the results obtained by different testers are nearly identical, nor do they deviate over larger spans of time.

The outstanding advantages of PSE also include determination of the disturbed energy center, the acute emotional conflict and its size. Using PSE, the currently disturbed energy center is first ascertained (Chakra or vegetative-autonomous segment). The disturbed segment often corresponds to the location of the current maximum symptom or an organ disease. One then determines the cause of the current segmental burden. These are usually acute emotional conflicts, of which PSE recognizes 28 (see illustration). The homeopathic complexes used to track down the conflicts contain high potentiations corresponding to the respective emotional main problem and which therefore respond in the energy test.

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In the PSE testing follow-up chat, the patient almost always agrees that the right conflict has been found. PSE thus tests "pre-known" conflicts which the patient subconsciously senses but, due to their nonverbal nature, is not consciously aware of and thus not able to put into words. Almost always, the patient is able to relate to the conflict contents and recognize in them his currently primary emotional preoccupation. This often deeply moving Aha! Effect has positive consequences, in many respects, for the therapeutic relationship: the patient feels well understood down to the depths of his soul and is grateful for this, plus the entire relationship with the therapist is felt to be deeper and more meaningful. For the therapist - but of course for the patient as well - it is usually worthwhile and important to investigate the ramifications of the subconscious conflicts on the patient's life, and to derive the appropriate conclusions therefrom.

The advantages of PSE also include size determination of the acute emotional conflict. In this manner, one learns how much energy the conflict has stolen from the patient, how conscious the conflict is and, empirically, how much time it will take to be treated. Exact size determination of the conflict also enables monitoring the course of treatment, which is not possible in comparable procedures to this degree of precision, and which tells one, even during the months of treatment, whether the patient is taking his medication regularly, or even whether the medication is having any therapeutic effect at all. Sometimes the patient does not store the homeopathic agents properly, say in the vicinity of strong magnetic fields (stereo speakers, microwaves, cell -phone charging stations etc.), which quickly renders them ineffective. Testing can check all this quickly and reliably instead of having to continue, in some circumstances, with months of ineffective treatment.

With the aid of PSE, one can also reliably establish the patient's character type. Normally, determination of personality requires intensive and long-lasting depth-psychological examinations, but PSE can do it very quickly. PSE uses the same four character types of antiquity (Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Sanguinic). Since specific character types each have their own specific talents, preferences and dislikes, knowledge of the character allows deriving suitable life counseling. Knowing the character type also means being able to develop more understanding for other people, who sometimes "march to a completely different drummer" than oneself.

PSE can also reliably detect and determine geopathic stress (using the test ampoule Geovita), as independent examinations by experienced dowsers on-site have demonstrated time and time again. Experience has shown that so-called "gee-radiation" is an important cofactor for many illnesses, either as direct cause or as a co-trigger. Due to habituation, lack of sensitivity, ignorance, etc., many victims at some point are no longer aware that they are undergoing gee-radiation stress. The same applies to a lesser degree for electrosmog which, although it empirically causes less physical damage, can nevertheless be subjectively very disturbing. With PSE, one can very clearly identify those who are affected (Phosphorus test ampoule in the Supplementary Test Kit) and then monitor the results of cleansing, whereby ailments can either be prevented or obstacles to healing can be cleared away.

With the aid of the "filtering" test procedure, one can discover interrelationships between different ampoules and thereby uncover causalities between various different harmful factors. Moreover, the REBA® Test Device can test the energetic strength of a particular burden, which plays an important role in determining the urgency of therapy, as well as in arriving at a prognosis.  . PSE thus confirms the hypothesis that all good therapy is ultimately based on the same mechanisms, which makes it clear that mainstream and complementary medicine belong together and surely just address different aspects of the organism.


Summing up, PSE offers many huge advantages which no other alternative-medicine can offer in the same manner. PSE is therefore unique and quite logically has meanwhile come to be considered indispensable in many complementary-medicine practices. Hence, certain important questions and problems can only be answered and addressed with PSE. The advantages of PSE far outweigh the disadvantages, which is why PSE would seem to be indispensable in complementary-medicine practice.

PSE is one of the few modern complementary-medicine procedures which uses standardized training contents, is subject to external quality management as well as high-quality internationally standardized training, which concludes with written and oral examinations. The training is under the direction of the International Society For Psychosomatic Energetics (Internationale Gesellschaft fur Psychosomatische Energetik) with headquarters in Zurich. I will be very happy if my article piques some readers' curiosity and hopefully encourages them to begin training to become a "Certified Energy Therapist", since then they can impart many valuable insights to their patients and provide them with important therapeutic support.


- Banis, Reimar: Psychosomatische Energetik Lehrbuch [A Manual of Psychosomatic Energetics], VAK

Verlag 2005

- Banis, Reimar: Heilung durch Energiemedizin [Healing Through Energy Medicine], Via Nova Verlag 2012

- Bergsmann, Otto: Risikofaktor Standort [Location As a Risk Factor], Facultas Universitatsverlag Vienna


- Schimmel, Helmut W.: Funktionelle Medizin [Functional Medicine], 2 Vols., Haug Verlag Heidelberg

