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Chavita 1

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The first Chakra has to do with personal pride and healthy self-confidence. Those who feel helpless and dependent and believe they are not good enough (i.e.suffer from feelings of inferiority) often have a disturbed first Chakra along with the corresponding conflicts. This applies as well for all longer-term disorders and diseases of the lower pelvis, hips and legs. The common ileosacral joint blockages belong to the first Chakra. Also belonging to the first Chakra energetically are most prostate and uterine diseases. Many sexual problems are also caused by energy blocks in the first Chakra.


• Silicea D21
• Carbo vegetabilis C50
• Urtica urens D21
• Oophorinum D21
• Orchitinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Chavita remedies
Product Number: 588792471
Price: $ 24.95