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Emvita 11

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Craving good feelings  - Dissatisfied at the core, frustrated, profoundly unhappy, extreme addictions,  anorexia, bulimia  

Being unhappy and empty within oneself. The unhappiness from so much  frustration can easily give rise to a backlash that consists in refusing to  acknowledge one’s own frustration or acting in a carefree manner.  The sensation of experiencing continual emotional hunger leads to delusive  fantasies and a nagging feeling of compulsion.  

One unconsciously tends to provoke situations that repeat frustrating  experiences such as being rejected.  Some people adopt a service role that indirectly allows then to experience  satisfaction by satisfying others, but this is ultimately unfulfilling, leading them  to become even unhappier. Occasional vulnerability to a wide range of addictions  and dependencies.


• Cuprum metallicum D21
• Ferrum metallicum C800
• Ignatia amara LM18
• Secale cornutum D21
• Pancreas suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792411
Price: $ 24.95