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Emvita 16

emvita 16 final 3D.png

Panic - My heart is breaking, like being hit by a terrible wave, panic attacks,  fear of death  

Experiencing an all-powerful fear of death, approaching like a giant tidal wave.  Being unable to defend against this powerful fear, feeling completely paralyzed.  Believing that one’s final hour has come, that soon it will all be over, no longer  able to form clear thoughts.  Certainty of one’s inability to face the inevitable catastrophe. Fear takes on  monstrous dimensions in one’s own imagination.


• Aconitum napellus C800
• Eschscholtzia californica LM16
• Ambra grisea LM18
• Secale cornutum D21
• Zincum metallicum D21
• Glandulae thymi D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792416
Price: $ 24.95