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Emvita 17

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Emotional emptiness - Without thought or feeling, lacking initiative, indifferent, emotional blocks,  loveless, feelings seem frozen.

The neck as “gateway to feelings” can stifle emotions coming to the surface to  the point where a condition of complete emotional rigidity occurs. At that point,  one becomes completely dominated, rational, as if affected by nothing else –  almost robotic. What has happened here, however, is that the suppressed feelings  are only deep-frozen, not truly gone.  Sometimes the surfacing feelings are connected to emotional shocks and  serious inner fright, producing the psychological play-dead reflex as an instinctive  survival mechanism.

Such an emotional block places severe restrictions on the availability of  feelings, while reason appears to continue functioning unchecked. This can  lead to a person reporting on dreadful events in a very detached manner while  listeners perceive that the horror has had no effect on him or her.  In such a case, one is experiencing an emotional shock that separates  feeling from reason, creating a false impression. Some patients encountering this  conflict feel a great inner emptiness that can seem very depressive and can last  a long time.


• Baryta carbonica D21
• Chininum arsenicosum C800
• Graphites LM18
• Pulsatilla vulgaris D21
• Thyroidinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792417
Price: $ 24.95