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Emvita 2

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Conflict 2 - Lack of Concentration  Distracted, lost in thought, wistful, ungrounded

The person affected yearns to be somewhere else entirely. One is not really  here, doesn‘t know one‘s purpose in life. This conflict also applies in the  case of an inner resistance, of unwillingly having to be in this world. One  lives one‘s life halfheartedly, lacking complete conviction. One doesn‘t  trust oneself to show one‘s capabilities. In stress situations and when one‘s  abilities and strengths would be put to the test, one tends to retreat. Inclination to postpone things or do them reluctantly.  A person like this often feels unapproachable and flat in human encounters. One is not aware of one‘s strengths. Only a fraction of one‘s inner  possibilities are realized. Deep inside, one is stubbornly stuck in a kind of  passive resistance.


• Calcarea phosphorica C800
• Veratrum album LM16
• Cuprum metallicum LM18
• Vipera berus D21
• Oophorinum D21
• Orchitinum D21


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792482
Price: $ 24.95