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Emvita 21

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Physical overexertion - Nervous – tense, chewing fingernails, sympathicotonically over-wound,  excited; unable to relax, restless motor functions

Feeling hounded and exhausted due to being overly stressed. Constantly  exceeding one’s own limits, causing damage to self. Feeling of having always to  be on the go, never able to enjoy oneself. One’s own needs are suppressed in the  effort to be the best. Feeling unloved and worthless deep inside, thus having to  exert oneself and offer something to others.

Physical tendency to be driven and tense, in extreme cases resulting in  auto-aggressive displacement activity. Continuous pain is sometimes also  present along with other warning signals in the form of somatization or  behavioral disorders that indicate a permanent psychological overload.


• Lachesis mutus C800
• Matricaria chamomilla LM18
• Magnesia carbonica D21
• Arsenicum album D21
• Pituitarum posterium D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792421
Price: $ 24.95