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Emvita 27

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Unwilling to face reality - Illusions related to sight, sound, smell; inability to clearly perceive senses;  drugs, hallucinations, flights of fantasy due to perceptions of reality as unbearable  

Reality cannot be tolerated and is eliminated from one’s perceptions. One  behaves in the manner of a skilled actor, leading the audience into an unfamiliar  and beautiful world where they can forget their own misfortune – except that in  this case, audience and actor are one and the same person. This is termed fantasy.  This masking of the true condition can extend to sections of reality, such as  overestimating or underestimating the importance of other individuals. It is also  possible to experience one’s own full reality, including the dark side, as being so  unpleasant that one begins to escape into fantasy.  Some people hide parts of their internal or external reality and slip into fantasy and escapism.

Such actions mask psychological distress and unbearable  frustrations that create a dark and bleak basic mood within the psyche as a whole  from which one seeks to escape purely out of an intention to survive.  One cannot alter the basic problem in this way, however: it is only possible to  change one’s own perspective, feigning a partial presence in other realities. By  attempting to escape pain linked inseparably to being alive, one chokes off one’s  own vitality. It is important to acknowledge that pain constitutes only a limited  reality – that life is much more than pain.


• Helleborus niger C800
• Mandragora LM16
• Anacardium occidentale LM18
• Anhalonium lewinii D21
• Sus scrofa (cerebellum) D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792427
Price: $ 24.95