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Emvita 28

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Wrong thinking - Overemphasized, exaggerated mental illusions; psychoses, false dogmas and  excessively rigorous doctrines, deeply rooted problems of self-worth  

Right thinking leads to a consciousness that is in sync with both external and internal reality. In contrast, the fostering of wrong thinking triggered by inner voices (the conscience of the true self) is inevitably a self-betrayal. The same occurs  where one denies external reality. The basic problem with wrong thinking lies in  the refusal to acknowledge reality as it truly is in order to derive from it truthful  and reasonable laws of consciousness.  One is inclined toward dogmatic thinking and becomes obsessed with certain  convictions. There is an unpreparedness to deviate from one’s own views even if  this means accepting restrictions and disadvantages.


• Mandragora officinarum C800
• Hellborus niger LM18
• Hyoscyamus niger D21
• Sus scrofa (cerebellum) D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792428
Price: $ 24.95