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Emvita 8

emvita 8 final 3D.png

Conflict 8 - Isolated  Joyless, feeling abandoned, unhappy, self-pitying

Emotionally, one lives on an island, as it were, surrounded by strangers. One  would like to make contact but cannot get close to the others. One feels isolated, like an outcast, although there are many people all around. One  lacks the capability to communicate with others in a satisfactory manner.  The resulting feeling of isolation leads to inner paralysis and lethargy.  

Therefore, one does not even begin to rebel against the intolerable state  of affairs. One becomes emotionally very quiet and lifeless.


• Ammonium carbonicum C800
• Graphites LM16
• Chininum arsenicosum LM18
• Eschscholtzia californica D21
• Calcarea carbonica D21
• Pancreas suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792488
Price: $ 24.95