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Emvita 9

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Conflict 9 - Pent-up emotions  

Extremely pent-up destructive rage, all too ready to conform and sacrifice, in the extreme sudden outbursts of rage, going berserk

One tries to win the sympathy and affection of others with an especially  pleasant and obliging personality. One constantly adapts oneself to the  needs of others and tries to satisfy their desires. In the process, one denies  one‘s own goals, which leads to subliminal resentment and, in time, to a  mountain of unfulfilled desires.  

What others think of one is extremely important. One‘s victim role irresistibly attracts victimizers. One unwittingly manages to get others to behave  egotistically towards counterparts. One tends to exceed one‘s limits and  overtax oneself. One dreams about being richly rewarded for this sometime in the future, but this never happens in reality and simply provokes  more disappointment. One suffers from a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction  and great rage. One is quick to get annoyed and angry, one‘s frustration  limit is quite low. Thus, one often remains stuck in anger instead of daring  to try a new approach.


• Hepar sulphuris D21
• Lycopodium clavatum C800
• Sulphur LM18
• Tarantula hispana LM16
• Pancreas suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792489
Price: $ 24.95