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Chavita 2

Emvita product

Chavita 2


Chavita® 2

The second Chakra is the energetic center of the ability to stand upright (in the sense of getting things done) and the feeling of self; the center, so to speak, of the fully ex-tended lumbar vertebrae. It is also the center of confrontation and dispute and struggles with the environment. The second Chakra is associated with the adrenal gland and its secretion of cortisone and adrenaline – that is, it has to do with the “fight or flight” hormones. The archetypal emotional basic themes of the second Chakra are:

• “I get things done.”

• “I am different (better, stronger, special).”


• Platinum metallicum C50
• Causticum C200
• Argentum metallicum D21
• Thuja occidentalis D21
• Juniperus virginiara D21
• Lavadula angustifolia D21
• Glandula suprarenalis suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

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