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Chavita 4

Emvita product

Chavita 4


Chavita® 4

The fourth Chakra is the energetic center of the heart (Heart Chakra) and contains the organism’s greatest psychic strengths and energies. The fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra) corresponds energetically to a human’s center if one imagines the Chakras as layers of an onion. Emotionally, the heart stands for the greatest introspection as well as the greatest yearning. Here is where feelings of romantic yearning and melting together with one’s lover develop.   Biographically, the Heart Chakra is assigned to the teenage and young adult years.

The core statements of the fourth Chakra are:  

• “I love you.”  

• “I want to spread out.”


• Ferrum metallicum C 50
• Zincum valerianicum C 200
• Aurum metallicum D 21
• Eucalyptus globulus D 21
• Cetraria islandica D 21
• Crataegus oxyacantha D 21
• Glandulae thymi D 21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

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