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Emvita 20

Emvita product

Emvita 20


Self-sufficiency  - Thoughts revolve around oneself and one’s own concerns, unassuming,  submissive, false pride, outsized self-love, unsure of oneself, mood swings  with a lack of self-control, in extreme cases haughty and conceited,  narcissism  

The outside world is perceived exclusively as an extension of the self, thus  revolving primarily around one’s own concerns and desires. Belief that one  can do everything entirely on one’s own and better than anyone. A person’s  self-sufficiency can degenerate into narcissism but can also be hidden behind a  professed modesty.  Deep within, one is unsure and feels unloved, seeking to compensate for this  through outsized self-love. Some people experiencing this conflict suffer from  severe mood swings and become irritable because they are under enormous  emotional stress.


• Belladonna C800
• Ignatia amara LM16
• Apis mellifica LM18
• Magnesia carbonica D21
• Phosphorus D21
• Pulsatilla vulgaris D21
• Pituitary posterium D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

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