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Emvita 22

Emvita product

Emvita 22


Restless - Continuous worrying, inability to relax, mental nervousness, restless due to  constant exertion and thought flow, in a state of suspense due to worry and  insecurity

Internal sensation of being in a torrent in which one’s thoughts find no rest.  Thoughts constantly swirl around one’s head, producing a condition of inner  upheaval and restlessness from exaggerated worries and fears.  Above all, wishing to take care of many things at the same time. Fear of  missing out on something crucial. Having a constant feeling of insecurity and grave  concern, being irritable, feeling restless.


• Matricaria chamomilla C800
• Iodium LM16
• Anacardium occidentale LM18
• Crotalus horridus D21
• Phosphorus D21
• Ambra grisea D21
• Pituitarum posterium D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

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